
  1. [EINV] Invoice serial used as reference invoice id upon integration with ETA e-invoice rather than system internal id.
  2. [Personnel] Now editing department introduce two options while editing daily target hours and attendance scheme that ask user if modifying exiting employees to a new (daily target hours/ attendance scheme) and apply that on new employees or apply that only on new employees only.
  3. [Personnel] The apply target in attendance scheme is replaced by two fields:
    • Apply daily target: denotes if the daily target polices are applied or not.
    • Apply monthly target: denote if the cycle target polices are applied or not.
  4. [Personnel] Update the displayed message upon request approval through email link to list emails that have been notified instead of user names.
  5. [REC] when creating a new vacancy period, user could specify the number of required candidates and their gender.
  6. [SalesForce] Update user permission for the following user levels:
    • Representative can view and manage activities of connections owned by him or no one and activities assigned to him or to no one.
    • Representative Lead can view and manage activities of connections owned by his team or no one and activities assigned to one of his team or to no one.
    • Representative Manager can view and manage all module activities
  7. [SalesForce] Introduce an advanced filter in connection list page that allow users to filter multiple tags under different tag categories.
  8. [SalesForce] In addition to our connection, we list customers from the contact module in connection listing.
  9. [SalesForce] Rename the following user levels:
    • Salesperson to Representative.
    • Sales Team Lead to Representative Lead.
    • Sales Manager to Representative Manager.
  10. [SalesForce] In connection list page while adding connection, dialog was split into two steps the first one is the basic info and the second one introduces adding multiple connection for connection.
  11. [SalesForce] In connection details page adding contact person was split into two steps the first one is the basic info and introduce adding multiple contact, and the second one adding address and other info.

New Features

  1. [REC] Recruiter supervisor and recruited user levels can edit applicant info.
  2. [REC] User can change language while apply public application and view vacancy details.
  3. [REC] User can change language while browsing public vacancy page.
  4. [REC] Vacancy period report display list of periods matching filter criteria. There are two ways to display listing page are Filter and summary.

    Filter displays each period and its details as the following:

    • Vacancy code.
    • Department.
    • Position.
    • Start date.
    • End date.
    • Number of required candidates.
    • Number of applied candidates.
    • Number of candidates go through short list status.
    • Number of candidates go through interview status.
    • Number of candidates go through proposal status.
    • Number of recruited candidates.

    Summary displays brief summary of candidate number as following:

    • All required candidate.
    • All applied candidate.
    • Number of candidates go through shortlist status.
    • Number of candidates go through interview status.
    • Number of candidates go through proposal status.
    • Number of recruited candidates.
  5. [REC] Activity Report displays each user activity matching filter monthly date as following:
    • user name.
    • each month and number of shortlists, interview, proposed, recruited candidate by this user.
  6. [REC] Application log report displays applications tracking action matching filter criteria as following:
    • Applicant name.
    • Vacancy code (if application moved from vacancy to other it displays old vacancy -> new vacancy)
    • Status (if status modified, then displayed: old status -> new status).
    • Log type.
    • User.
    • Log date.
    • Notes.
  7. [REC] Communication report displays communication data and attachments matching filter criteria as following:
    • Vacancy code.
    • Position.
    • Department.
    • User (who send communication).
    • Communication type.
    • Date and time of communication.
    • Details button. (allows user to display subject, body and notes).
    • Attachment button (if attachment sent with communication).
  8. [REC] Recruitment dashboard introduce five sections as following:
    • Number of how many applications applied from each channel grouped by their status.
    • Recruitment funnel that describes how many candidates go through different status to be recruited (all application, shortlisted, interview, pass interview, proposed and recruited) with percentage and difference between each status.
    • Channel sources summaries how many candidates applied from each channel.
    • Recruitment activity describe the number of proposal and recruited candidate by each user.
    • Vacancy average time to hire.
  9. [REC] introduce a new way to calculate the usage of module according to the number of users and opene vacancies.

Bug Fixes

  1. [BK] Starting balance is miscalculated on both monthly transaction and general ledger.
  2. [CAB] Payroll calculation considers employee’s payroll cycle effect logs outside the tenure period.
  3. [CAB] Interval end day is miscalculated for employees left during a cycle.
  4. [INV] Invoice could not change from sent status to void.
  5. [Personnel] The default display range of the attendance report was not matching the attendance cycle.
  6. [REC] While schedule interview for candidate, vacancy interviews not listed.
  7. [SF] Teams have only one team lead.