
  1. [CAB] A new advanced payroll cycle is introduced to allow CAB Supervisor user-level to calculate the payroll cycle using effects from different attendance period.

    • Once the user creates a new payroll cycle, he has the option to use default settings (same period applied for salary and effects), or use advanced mode to calculate effects for an attendance period different from payroll cycle period.
    • You can only calculate the advanced payroll cycle any time after the end date of defined attendance cycle.
    • The attendance cycle is locked once you run the corresponding payroll cycle.
    • A new configuration key is added to define the start date of the attendance cycle.
  2. [CAB] A new field is added to the pay rule setup to allow the CAB Supervisor user-level to define the cycle (payroll – attendance) to which the pay rule will be applied during running the payroll cycle calculation.
  3. [CAB] It is available now to edit the following fields in the default pay rules:

    • Apply Range
    • Taxable
    • Input Round
    • Output Round

    * This is except for the pay rule 0001 – Salary, it is always subject to payroll cycle range while taxability is defined per salary items.

  4. [Contacts] Address has become mandatory upon creating a new entity of type organization.
  5. [Contacts] Added a new text field address line 2 for the address of contact, field is mandatory in case of adding organization.
  6. [Invoicing] Ability to define tax type as super/sub type to other types.
  7. [Invoicing] Added new attributes to tax type:

    • Nature of tax type (addition / deduction) to define effect of tax to the gross amount of invoice.
    • Tax type code if any.
    • Super tax type if any.
  8. [Invoicing] Address has become mandatory upon creating new customer of type organization.
  9. [Invoicing] Added a new text field address line 2 for the address of contact, field is mandatory in case of adding organization.
  10. [Invoicing] Added more configurations to customize invoice printing.
  11. [Invoicing] Added a new text field address line 2 for the address of customer, field is mandatory in case of adding organization.
  12. [Items] Introduced a new optional field to hold unit code.
  13. [Organization] New field Address 2 added to branch details.
  14. [Personnel] Bulk shift requests approval handles requests with “remove other shifts” first.

New Features

  1. [eInvoice] The “E-Invoice” module has been released. A new module that comes under the finance suite. The module aims to automate integration between ETA (Egyptian Tax
    Authority) and Invoicing module of modulus®. Following is a brief list of the module’s features:

    • Define linked invoices from invoicing module through defining the serial they follow.
    • Bind all sent invoices that follow linked serial to e-invoice module (which become ready to submit to ETA).
    • List documents ready for submission to ETA.
    • Ability to hold ready documents to from being submitting to ETA.
    • Retrieve fresh document status from ETA side.
    • Send request to cancel valid document to ETA.
    • Decline rejection request for your documents.
    • Detailed document logs.
  2. [Expenses] – New module has been released under modulus® finance suite. The module aims at managing and organizing expenses and corresponding payments. Following is a brief list of the module’s features:

    • Define expense categories.
    • Define expense forms and link to different expense categories.
    • Create new expense records from configured expense forms.
    • Management of recurring expenses.
    • Setup serial number for expense entries and payments.
    • Setup payment method for expense payments.
    • Record one or more payments per expenses entry.
    • Setup tax type that are applicable to expense entries.
    • Dashboard and summary reports for expenses and corresponding categories over different period of time.
    • Different user levels and roles.
    • Ability to authorize user to create specific expense entries on specific branches only.
  3. [Invoicing] User can now edit payment-method’s Serial even if payment records already exist. Change will take place on the next payment entry.
  4. [Invoicing] Introduced new field to hold branch code if any.

Bug Fixes

  1. [CAB] In the case of “Salary Month Days” config key set to actual day count in target month, the calculation routine does not consider day count in payroll cycle month. It rather considers the day count of the month in which the last payroll effect log record was created.
  2. [Invoicing] Upon editing a serial setup, both flags “Invoice Default” and “Proforma Default” are cleared.
  3. [Personnel] Filter by layoff or working date range returned invalid results in advanced filter.
  4. [Personnel] If user tries to request / add a partial vacation in a day that has schedule not set yet, action fails.
  5. [Personnel] Cannot delete vacation record if it is a vacation of type that has no recharge balance.
  6. [Personnel] Breaking an employee vacation does not reflect the correct balance.
  7. [Personnel] In head insight page, the shift request tab did not display the “maintain target” option value.
  8. [Personnel] Supervisor user-level can edit grade position by selecting another grade or deleting the current one or adding it manually.
  9. [Personnel] Head user-level could not accept shift request on weekend if “Remove other shifts” option set.
  10. [Personnel] Head Insights list subordinate (check show subordinate to true) return no result.