Partial Vacation

Personnel   September 27, 2017

A less than a day vacation An option that is applicable on vacation types, which allows employee to have a vacation for less than a day.  It could be for half a day, quarter a day, three quarters, or even a 15 minute vacation..etc. Partial vacation is defined in fractions (ex: 0.5 – 0.75). Accordingly, this […]

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Employee Profile

Personnel   March 6, 2017

It views all the employee’s data on the application that are allowed for him to see. Personal Information Work – Related Information Employment Info Financials Insurance Contacts Identification Info Family Info

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Personnel Dashboard

Personnel   September 14, 2016

This page is the application’s statistical over view for the Human Resources operations. If you want to view a display of your organization’s processes; Dashboard is the right place. This page displays data in the form of panels. Cards Attendance Panel Employees Panels

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Schedule Logs

Personnel > Personnel Reports   September 1, 2016

This page lists all the logs made to all employees’ attendance reports in a specific time interval. Filter Page Display Log Items Schedule: When the log is an “Edit” in Day Status. Shift: When the log is an “Edit” in Day Shift.

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Attendance Logs

Personnel > Personnel Reports   August 31, 2016

This page lists all the logs related to employees attendance, in which you can either enable and disable logs. Filter Page Display Top Buttons  To upload attendance logs from an excel sheet to the application.  To enable logs. To disable logs.  To change logs status to “Pending”. Attendance Logs Bulk Import Go to employee’s attendance report to see Imported Logs

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Shift Requests

Personnel   August 28, 2016

It is a page in which you can view all the requests sent by employees to their head for all shift types set on the application. Just select an employee to view his shift requests. Top Buttons  Takes you to employee’s Attendance Report. Statuses are determined by different colours

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Advanced Filter


It is the same as the Filter in the Employees Listing page, in addition to a few extra search criteria. This filter is a better way to enhance your searching. When you press on “Filter” button, it directs you to Employees Bulk Action Listing, you can select single or multi employee/s and apply any of the bulk […]

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