Setup: Disable User

Core How-to   November 15, 2017

Preconditions Required user must be used on the application. Steps Go to System main menu. Select “Users” page. Filter for the required user. Username Display Name Email User Level Click on “Delete” red button next to the required user. User is disabled successfully.

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Setup: Delete User

Core How-to  

Preconditions User must not be used on the application. Steps Go to System main menu. Select “Users” page. Filter for the required user. Username Display Name Email User Level Click on “Delete” red button next to the required user. User is deleted successfully.

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Setup: View User Details

Core How-to  

Steps Go to System main menu. Select “Users” page. Filter for the required user: Username Display Name Email User Level Click on “Details” yellow button next to the required user. A dialog box that includes user data will open.

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Setup: Create User on Modulus

Core How-to  

Steps Go to System main menu. Select “Users” page. Click on “+ New User” top button. A dialog box will open. Write user name. Write display name. Set password. Confirm password. Enter user email. Checkboxes, for User Levels: CAB CAB Supervisor Common Admin System HR (If employee/head, choose corresponding employee) Head HR Supervisor Employee (Select […]

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Setup: Set Company’s Location on Modulus

Core How-to  

Steps Go to System main menu. Select “Locations” page. Click on “+ New Location” top button. A dialog box will open. Write location name. Write phone number. Select city. Select district. Enter longitude (Google map location). Enter latitude (Google map location). Write down the company’s address. Write notes (if needed). Click on “Save” button. Location […]

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