Shift Types

Personnel > Personnel Setup   August 28, 2016

From this page you can add and view all shift types that are necessary to your company. You can create a separate attendance rule for every single shift type based on your company’s policy. This would help you calculate salaries fair and square, it will be an easier process for an employee to get paid based on […]

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Attendance Devices

Personnel > Personnel Setup   February 15, 2016

Devices used to gather the attendance data; the employees’ in and out punches. All you have to do is make an integration between the attendance device and the application, so that you would be able to collect logs. Page Display  To view Sync Logs To Add Attendance Device Device Direction IN: The device collects IN punches only. OUT: The device […]

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Vacation Types

Personnel > Personnel Setup  

From this page you can add and view all vacation types on the application based on the company’s policy. Page Display To Add Vacation Type Buttons  To delete/disable vacation type.  To enable vacation type.  To edit vacation type.

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Personnel > Personnel Setup  

From this page you can add and view all the departments and sub departments in your company. Page Display To Add Department To Add Sub Department Buttons  To take you to positions page.

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