Main: Reset Attendance Logs

Personnel How-to   November 13, 2017

Steps Go to Personnel main menu. Open Attendance Logs page. Filter with Date Duration (From – To). Logs within this duration will be listed. Mark the checkbox of the required logs. “Reset” top button will be activated. Click on it. Attendance logs are reset successfully.

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Main: Disable Attendance Logs

Personnel How-to  

Preconditions Logs must be “Pending” Steps Go to Personnel main menu. Open Attendance Logs page. Filter with Date Duration (From – To). Logs within this duration will be listed. Mark the checkbox of the required logs. “Disable” top button will be activated. Click on it. Attendance logs are disabled successfully. Or Go to Personnel main […]

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Main: Enable Attendance Logs

Personnel How-to  

Preconditions Logs must be “Disabled” Steps  Go to Personnel main menu. Open Attendance Logs page. Filter with Date Duration (From – To). Logs within this duration will be listed. Mark the checkbox of the required logs. “Enable” top button will be activated. Click on it. Attendance logs are enabled successfully. Or Go to Personnel main […]

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Main: Bulk Import Attendance Logs to Modulus

Personnel How-to  

Preconditions Valid Employee ID Valid Date Format Steps Go to Personnel main menu. Open Attendance Logs page. Click on “Import” top button. Click on “Import” top button. Import page will open. Download sample (CSV). Fill in the sample with employees’ attendance logs. Date: yyyy-mm-dd Time: hh:mm Upload the filled sample (CSV). Select location. Select direction: […]

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Attendance Logs

Personnel > Personnel Reports   August 31, 2016

This page lists all the logs related to employees attendance, in which you can either enable and disable logs. Filter Page Display Top Buttons  To upload attendance logs from an excel sheet to the application.  To enable logs. To disable logs.  To change logs status to “Pending”. Attendance Logs Bulk Import Go to employee’s attendance report to see Imported Logs

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