Setup: Add Policy to Modulus

CAB How-to   November 14, 2017

Steps Go to Compensation main menu. Open “Setup” sub menu. Select “Policies” Click on “+ Policy” top button. A dialog box will open. Write policy’s title. Select the number of months to reset recurrence. Write a description (if needed). Click on “Save” button. Policy is added successfully.

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Overtime Policy

CAB > CAB Setup   September 14, 2017

From this page you can add and view the overtime policies to be applied on employees. Page Display Overtime policies are applied per shift type; so that it would be more specific and dynamic. You can customize your own overtime policy to suit your company’s bylaws. Not only you can set an overtime policy per […]

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CAB > CAB Setup   February 21, 2016

From this page you set the company’s policies and procedures. Page Display Buttons  To edit policy action. To Add Policy To Add Policy Actions

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