Setup: Delete Tax Exemption

CAB How-to   November 15, 2017

Steps Go to Compensation main menu. Open “Setup” sub menu. Select “Taxes”. Click on “Delete” button next to the required exemption. Tax Exemption is deleted successfully.

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Setup: Add Tax Exemption

CAB How-to  

Steps Go to Compensation main menu. Open “Setup” sub menu. Select “Taxes”. Click on “+ Tax Exemption” top button. Enter exemption name. Enter exemption amount. Click on “Save” button. Tax Exemption is added successfully.

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Setup: Add Salary Range to Tax Scheme

CAB How-to  

Steps Go to Compensation main menu. Open “Setup” sub menu. Select “Taxes”. Click on “+ Salary Range” top button. Enter the salary amount. Enter tax percentage. Enter discount percentage. Click on “Save” button. Salary Range is added successfully.

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Egyptian New Tax Scheme

This video is an illustration to the difference between the tax scheme update in July, 2018 and the previous one. The video also views Modulus Tax Calculator, and the new version update including the July, 2018 Egyptian Income Tax Law.

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