1. Introduction
Modulus provides a module that provides sales departments and teams with an easy tool to manage their work process. Modulus Sales Team Management Module, enables you to manage your sales department system, customers/leads, sales teams, and work progress with a simple mouse click. It organizes and facilitates all procedures.
Modulus offers multiple authentication user levels for employees, and managers. Each user level is authorized for specific functions.
1.1. User Levels
- Sales Manager: A user who can view all system pages; he has all authorities and privileges. He can assign activities to all users beneath him, and monitor them all.
- Data Manager: A user who is only allowed to enter all the modules data and setup.
- Team Lead: A user who lies under the Sales Manager’s authority and is responsible for Sales Persons. He can assign activities to any Sales Person who is a member of his team.
- Sales Person: A user who lies under the Team Lead/Sales Manager’s authority. He can assign activities to himself.
2. Sales Team Management Module
This module covers all sales related functionalities, such as:
- Sales Teams
- Activities: On daily basis.
- Events: Not daily, unlike the activities; they can be only added by Sales Manager.
- Products
- Leads: Clients.
2.1 Landing Page
This page is the Sales Manager’s window on all the sales’ company’s processes. From his landing page he can view graphs and stats for all teams, products and activities.
2.2 Teams
From this page you can easily divide your department into teams, add members to each team, and assign its Team Lead as well.
2.3 Dashboard
This page helps Sales Manager easily view activities statuses per Sales Person and Product.
2.4 Activity Calendar
From this page the Sales Manager can easily track all the Sales Persons’ activities by date and time. The Sales Manager can also add activities to any Sales Person.
A Sales Person can assign activities to himself, same as his Team Lead/Sales Manager who can assign him activities as well.
2.4.1 Activity Types
From this page you add all activity types required for your sales department management. So that, you would be able to use them later while assigning activities to team lead/members.
2.5 Leads
From this page you can view all the leads that deal with your department. You can also add a new lead to the system. This page makes you able to keep all your leads’ history, contacts, data,… etc.
2.6 Products
From this page you can add/view all of your products, upon which the whole activities and events are based.
2.7 Events
From this page you can view all the events that your department is dealing with. You can also add a new event to the system, which is only allowed to the Sales Manager user.