A loan is when the employee borrows an amount of money from the company, and repay it back in installments.

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Loan Information

Pending Payroll Cycle

Hint: To delete loan in a pending payroll cycle, there should be no installments paid for it in any other payroll cycle.

Calculated Payroll Cycle

Hint: To delete loan in a calculated payroll cycle; reset the cycle, delete loan, then re-add a new one if needed.
Payroll Cycles_View Button To view loan installments. Loans_Installments Box

To Add Loan:

  1. Click on “+ Loan” button.
  2. A dialog box will appear.
  3. Fill in the required data.
Hint: Once you select an employee, his loan constraints fields will be automatically filled.

Loan Constraints

  • Gross Salary: The employee’s salary before insurance and tax deductions.
  • Join Date: The date in which the employee has joined work.
  • Entitled for new loan: Whether the employee is capable of having a new loan or not.
  • Eligible to loan: Whether the employee is capable of having more loans or not.


  • The mentioned constraints do not prevent HR user from adding loan to any employee, however, he gets notified that employee did not fulfill those constraints, yet.
  • You can only edit the loan installment value (It is the only editable value).