From this page you can add and view the overtime policies to be applied on employees.

Page Display

On the left side: a list of  all the shift types defined on the application.

On the right side: the overtime policies added to each shift type in every day status available.

Overtime Policies Listing

Overtime policies are applied per shift type; so that it would be more specific and dynamic.

You can customize your own overtime policy to suit your company’s bylaws.

Not only you can set an overtime policy per shift type, but also per day status; whether it is working, working on weekend, or working on holiday.

Hint: You cannot delete an overtime policy once it is used in any transaction.

To Add Overtime Policy

  1. Click on “+ Overtime Policy”.
  2. A dialog box will appear.
  3. Fill in the required data.
Add ButtonAdd Dialog Box

To Add/Edit Formula

  1. Click on “Add/Edit” button.
  2. A dialog box will appear.
  3. Create the required formula.
Add-Edit Formula ButtonNew Formual