- [CNT] Entity code is now limited to 20 characters, and entity name is limited to 50 characters.
- [ITM] Added an export to CSV option to the Items. Filter fields have been rearranged, now allowing the selection of multiple categories and codes in Item List page.
- [BK] Journal entries can now include amounts (Cr, Dr) and their equivalent currency amounts without requiring an exchange rate, enabling currency amount re-evaluation without foreign exchange dependencies.
- [CSH] A general ledger account is now mandatory for cash accounts.
- [CSH] Finance books are now mandatory for each cash book.
- [CSH] Transfers between cash books linked to different finance books are now restricted when bookkeeping integration is enabled.
- [CSH] Voided transactions now appear twice in the account statement report: once on the transaction date as a valid transaction and once on the void date as a reversal.
- [WH] The Receives report now considers return received quantities, with quantities divided into receives, returns, and net values. The cost is now calculated based on net values.
- [WH] The Release report now considers return release quantities, with quantities divided into releases, returns, and net values. The cost is now calculated based on net values.
- [HR] Employee imports now allow gender and contract type value in any language, independent of the system’s default language.
- [HR] The vacation balance reset routine has been updated to considers vacations added during the carryover period, even if the vacation date was before the carryover period, when calculating the consumed balance.
- [HR] Contract renewal notification configuration has been updated to the following format aa bb where:
- aa represents the offset number from the contract renewal end date.
- bb represents the offset unit (year/month/day).
- [CAB] The “Taxes” parameter has been removed from pay rule parameters.
New Features
- [CNT] Introduced a new API for creating entities.
- [CNT] Introduced a new API for updating existing entities.
- [CNT] Introduced a new API for retrieving entity details.
- [ITM] Introduced a new API for retrieving items in a price list.
- [SF] Added functionality to add/edit/remove comments and attachments in connection details.
- [BK] Added functionality to add/edit/delete comments and attachments in journal entries.
- [CSH] Added a printing feature for transfers.
- [CSH] Payable Cheque Management:
- Payment cheques are added by creating a cheque book that specifies the cash account, the first cheque number, the number of cheques, and the cashbook.
- A cheque book can be modified if none of its cheques have been used.
- A cheque remains in an ‘Unused’ status until its key details as the Maturity date, Payee, and Amount are entered, at which point its status changes to ‘Draft’.
- Payable cheques have multiple statuses: Unused, Draft, Invalid, Sent, Canceled, Paid, Void.
- Journals are created for sent, paid, canceled, and void statuses.
- Logs are generated when payable cheques are created, updated, or deleted.
- Payable cheques support comments and attachments.
- [PUR] Introduced a new configuration to Purchasing module allowing users to use items not in the supplier items when adding or editing purchasing documents (PO, Credit Note, Invoice).
- [INV] Introduced a new configuration to Invoicing module allowing users to use items not in the price list when adding or editing invoicing documents.
- [INV] Introduced a new report Customer Statement that lists a customer’s transactions over a selected period.
- [WH] Introduced a new API for listing item balances in a warehouse.
- [HR] Introduced cycle duration and multi-frequency balance recharge to vacation types, allowing balance recharge to be distributed over specific frequencies throughout the vacation cycle duration.
- [HR] Vacation entitlement now supports:
- Retroactive: Calculating entitlement balance starting from the join date.
- Non-retroactive: Calculating entitlement balance from the entitlement date.
- [HR] Employees who have not yet reached their entitlement date can now receive a portion of their vacation balance by adding an advance recharge from the Vacation Profile page.
- [HR] Attachments and notes related to an employee can now be made visible to them if an authorized user (e.g., Personnel Supervisor) enables the visibility flag.
- [CAB] Introduced payroll cycle parameters, allowing employee-specific values for the parameters in each payroll cycle, which can be used in pay rule preconditions and formula calculations.
- [CAB] Tenure days are now displayed on the salary sheet and pay slip pages.
- [CAB] Introduced a new Payment Info parameter group in preconditions, including: Tax law, currency code, cost center, payment method, and payment details.
Bug Fixes
- [INV] Fixed an issue preventing status changes of an invoice from Partial to Write-off.
- [HR] Fixed an issue preventing shift adjustments for months with 31 days.
- [HR] Fixed issues in the filter of vacation recharge listing page and vacation consumption report page.
- [CAB] Fixed an issue with progress loading in the payroll cycle progress page.