- [Personnel] Personnel supervisor user-level can now change contract type, working hours, and attendance scheme retroactively by specifying date to apply action from.
- [Personnel] Break vacation action is allowed to take place on first or last day of vacation.
- [Personnel] In case a vacation type is setup so that it has to be requested prior to its start date, direct head user-level was unable to break vacation once its start date has passed. This is now changed so that direct head can break vacation as long as its end date has not passed.
- [Personnel] Probation evaluation will be only shown for employees recruited after adopting modulus HRMS.
- [Personnel] Export of general attendance report can now be downloaded in .xlsx format rather than .csv format to avoid the Arabic encoding issue of CSV files when displayed in Excel.
- [Personnel] Users can now update positions to have no grade and then employee personnel profile will only show the position.
- [Personnel] The vacation balance report now limits the retrieved results to the selected vacation type in the filter field.
- [Personnel] The payment method and the cost center filter fields are moved from Employee Advanced Filter page to the Employees Listing page under the CAB module.
- [Personnel] The following updates applied to the filter field of the Employee Advanced Filter page:
- Date of birth filter converted to the range.
- the following filters were converted to multi-select filters:
- Employment status
- Location
- Department
- Sub-Department
- Position
- [CAB + Personnel] User can now sort employee logs by either apply date or log date in both personnel and financial employee profiles.
- [Bookkeeping] Trial Balance report now supports specifying start date.
- [Bookkeeping] Trial Balance report now displays starting balance at report start date, transactions during report period grouped by debit and credit transactions, and ending balance at report end date.
- [Bookkeeping] Monthly Transactions report now displays starting balance at report start date, transactions during report period grouped by debit and credit transactions, and ending balance at report end date.
- [Bookkeeping] Introduced new collapsible tree view for charts of accounts.
- [Bookkeeping] Fiscal periods view has been re-designed.
- [Bookkeeping] User is able to filter the following reports for Poste or Non-Posted journals:
- General Ledger
- Monthly Transactions
- Trial Balance
New Features
- [Personnel] Employee Advanced Filter page is now updated to enable user select the display columns to be shown in the report and the exported Excel sheet. User can apply filters to the columns selected for display. User can select display columns from the following data groups:
- Employee basic info
- Employment info
- Insurance info
- Identification info
- Family info
- Contact info
- Alerts
- Notes
- [Personnel] The display of Employee Advanced Filter report is updated to have two display modes:
- Listing Mode: Displays listing of retrieved data under the selected display columns.
- Stats Mode: Displays statistics for the retrieved data after applying specified filter fields.
- [Personnel] Export of Employee Advanced Filter report has the following updates:
- The complete report result set is exported rather than the checked rows only.
- The exported Excel file has three worksheets; One that lists the exporting user, export date/time, and applied filter fields. The second includes the complete report data under the selected columns, and the third worksheet includes stats about the retrieved data set.
- [Personnel] New report introduced for Employee Turnover that can be displayed for the whole company, specific department, sub-department or location, and can be exported into an Excel file.
- [Personnel] Vacations records under Vacations Listing page can now be exported into an Excel file.
- [Personnel] A contract renewal reminder can be activated for each contract type with different configuration. You can specify renewal frequency, and the period before renewal is due to remind you on.
- [Personnel] Introduced a new employee user-level that has restricted access to Personnel module only.
- [CAB] Tardiness Policy now allows for specifying different rules for late-in and early-out incidents.
- [CAB] Tardiness Policy now allows for specifying recurrence based rules.
- [Bookkeeping] Introducing Finance Books. A finance book is a mean to group journals. You can create multiple Finance Books and post created journals to one ore more of them. On the other hand, upon retrieving any of the financial reports you can specify the Finance Book for which you want display that report.
- [Bookkeeping] Monthly Transactions report can now be exported into Excel sheet.