In this page you will find all the tasks assigned to you (whether they were included in a Task Group or Unclassified) listed with a default filter. The default filter parameter will be displayed above the listing.
Default Filter in Order
- Tasks with Statuses “New” and “In Progress”
- Tasks assigned to the current user (i.e. The user who is currently logging in)
Task Listing in Order
- Tasks with older “Due Date”
- Tasks with “High Priority”
To view all the Tasks that you’re involved in:
- Remove the Default Filter
- Scroll Down (The tasks will be automatically loaded)
How Tasks Statuses are Displayed
Each row (and row edge) has a specific colour which indicates the task’s current status.
Task Listing View
- Check Box: By which you can change the task status to “Completed” and reset it to “New” (P.S. When the task is completed, a √ mark appears inside the check box).
- Assignee: The user who is supposed to work on the task, whether his profile picture or his initials.
- Task Title
- Task Group: The group in which the task is included (Unclassified or Other).
- Priority:
- Status
On Hovering
When you hover with your mouse over the task rows, some actions appear:
- View
- Copy
- Delete
When the task status is “New”, one more action appears additionally to the previous three:
- Start (Which changes the task status to “In Progress”)
Add Task
You can search for tasks/task groups using single or multiple filter parameters.
- Click on the “Filter” button.
- A panel will appear.
- Fill in the required parameters.