- [HR] Vacations Landing page updated: You can view a list for all consumed vacations for all employees or filtered employees from vacations page instead of viewing vacation balances.
- [HR] Vacation Balances – listing page: page has been moved to the “Reports” menu.
New Features
- [HR] Employees Requests – Listing Page: You can view a list of different requests for all employees or filtered employees from “Employees Requests” page in “Reports” menu.
- [HR] Vacations Logs – Listing page: You can view a list for all actions took place for all employees or filtered employees’ vacation balances from “Vacations Logs” page in the “Reports” menu.
- [HR] Auto complete disabled for all date picker fields: User will no more face the hassle of auto complete behavior with the date while filling any date picker field.
- [CAB] Using pay-codes in pay rules: Now you can use the amounts aggregated over any pay code to as a parameter in your custom pay rule.
- [HR] Global Attendance Report export: You can export “General Attendance” report to a CSV file for offline use.