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  4. Recruitment APIs -V1
  5. API: Vacancies List

API: Vacancies List

The purpose of this API is to list vacancies.


URL https://your_account.modulus.biz/api/rec/v1/vacancies?token=YOUR_TOKEN
API Name Vacancies
Method GET
Source Third Party Server
Recipient modulus® Server

Query String Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
token Yes Text Your authentication token.
vacancy_code No text Specific vacancy code to list.
department No text Department name to list all vacancies under it.
position No text Position name to list all vacancies under it.
status No text Vacancy status possible values [LNG_ENUM_STATUS_PUBLISH, LNG_ENUM_STATUS_UNPUBLISH].
status No text Vacancy status possible values [LNG_ENUM_STATUS_PUBLISH, LNG_ENUM_STATUS_UNPUBLISH].
start_date_from No Date Date format must be ISO 8601 (Example: “2020-01-10”).
start_date_to No Date Date format must be ISO 8601 (Example: “2020-01-10”).
expire_date_from No Date Date format must be ISO 8601 (Example: “2020-01-10”).
expire_date_to No Date Date format must be ISO 8601 (Example: “2020-01-10”).
sort_by No Text Possible values [vacancy_code, start_date, end_date].
page_number No Number Which page to list default value is 1.
page_size No Number Number of records per page value must be from 10 to 100 (if less than 10 use 10, if greater than 100 use 100) default value is 10.


HTTP Status result title message object
Success Responses
200 OK true Success Vacancies listed successfully.
  "meta_data": {
    "record_count": 1,
    "page_count": 1,
    "page_size": 1,
    "page_number": 1,
  "data": [{
    "vacancy_code": "",
    "department": "",
    "position": "",
    "start_date": "",
    "expiry_date": "",
    "short_description": ""
Failure Responses
500 Internal Server Error false Error Error message describe the problem.


curl --request GET 'https://your_account.modulus.biz/api/rec/v1/vacancies?token=YOUR_TOKEN&page_size=30&page_number=1'
200 OK
  "result": true,
  "title": "Success",
  "message": "Vacancies listed successfully.",
  "object": {
    "meta_data": {
      "record_count": 3,
      "page_count": 1,
      "page_size": 20,
      "page_number": 1
    "data": [
        "vacancy_code": "001-001",
        "department": "Management",
        "position": "HR",
        "start_date": "2022-12-22",
        "expiry_date": "2023-12-31",
        "short_description": "Testing"
        "vacancy_code": "005-003",
        "department": "Customer Success",
        "position": "Customer Support",
        "start_date": "2024-04-08",
        "expiry_date": "2024-04-30",
        "short_description": "Testing 2"
        "vacancy_code": "001-004",
        "department": "Management",
        "position": "Vice President",
        "start_date": "2023-10-09",
        "expiry_date": "2023-11-10",
        "short_description": "Testing 3"