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  5. API: Create Return Receipt

API: Create Return Receipt

The purpose of this API is to create new return receipt.


URL https://your_account.modulus.biz/api/inv/v1/Return Receipt=YOUR_TOKEN
API Name Return Receipt
Method POST
Source Third Party Server
Recipient modulus® Server
Content Type application/json

Query String Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
token Yes Text Your authentication token.

Payload Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
customer_code Yes Text Refers to customer the return receipt issued to.
branch_code Yes Text The code of an active branch.
account_code Yes Text The code of the cash account receives the cash amount.
date Yes Date Date format must be ISO 8601 (Example: “2020-01-10”).
book_id Yes Number Refers to cash book used for the return receipt.
exchange_rate No Decimal Number The exchange rate when the receipt is issued. Mandatory if the customer has foreign currency.
salesperson_id No Number Refers to salesperson linked to the branch of this Return Receipt.
reference No Text Return Receipt reference.
description No Text Return Receipt description.
items Yes Array An array that contains at least one item. The structure explained here.

Item Parameter Details

Parameter Required Type Description
item_code Yes Text Item code.
unit_id Yes Number Refer to the unit of the sent quantity.
quantity Yes Decimal Number The quantity of the item can not be less than or equal to 0.
unit_price No Decimal Number The price of the item. If not sent will defined price in the customer or branch default price list.


HTTP Status result title message object
Success Responses
200 OK true Success Return Receipt added successfully.
    "return_receipt_id": xxx,
    "return_receipt_serial": "YYYY_ZZZ",
    "document_type": "Return Receipt",
    "creation_date_time": "yyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss"
Failure Responses
400 Bad Request false Error Error message as elaborated here.
    "error_code": xxx
500 Internal Server Error false Error Error message as elaborated here.
    "error_code": xxx

Example 1

curl --request POST 'https://your_account.modulus.biz/api/inv/v1/ReturnReceipt=YOUR_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ 
    "customer_code": "8",
    "account_code": "3.6",
    "exchange_rate": 20,
    "branch_code": "2",
    "date": "2024-01-01",
    "book_id": 4,
    "payment_term_id": 2,
    "items": [
        "item_code": "451",
        "unit_id": 3,
        "quantity": 50,
        "unit_price": 100
    ] }'
200 OK
    "result": true,
    "title": "Success",
    "message": "Return Receipt added successfully.",
    "object": {
        "return_receipt_id": 34,
        "return_receipt_serial": "RCT_2024_01_01_005",
        "document_type": "Return Receipt",
        "creation_date_time": "2024-01-14 00:09:00"

Example 2

curl --request POST 'https://your_account.modulus.biz/api/inv/v1/ReturnReceipt=YOUR_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ 
    "customer_code": "8",
    "account_code": "3.3.5",
    "exchange_rate": 20,
    "branch_code": "2",
    "date": "2024-01-01",
    "book_id": 4,
    "payment_term_id": 2,
    "reference": "CSH-084"
    "items": [
        "item_code": "6",
        "unit_id": 2,
        "quantity": 15,
        "unit_price": 40
    ] }'
400 Bad Request
    "result": false,
    "title": "Error",
    "message": "Account currency is different than customer currency.",
    "object": {
        "error_code": xxx
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