Actions: Edit Shift in Employee’s Attendance Report

Personnel How-to  

Preconditions There must be no intersection with existing shift. Payroll cycle must not be calculated. Steps Go to Personnel main menu. Select “Employees” page. Filter with employee code/name. Click on employee’s “Actions” button, and select “Attendance Report”. Click on “Edit Shift” icon on the right. A dialog box will open. Select shift type. Set shift duration (From […]

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Actions: Add Shift in Employee’s Attendance Report

Personnel How-to  

Preconditions There must be no intersection with existing shift. Payroll cycle must not be calculated. Steps Go to Personnel main menu. Select “Employees” page. Filter with employee code/name. Click on employee’s “Actions” button, and select “Attendance Report”. Click on “+” green button next to the required shift. A dialog box will open. Select shift type. Set […]

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Actions: Delete Employee’s Vacation

Personnel How-to  

Preconditions Payroll cycle must not be calculated. Steps Go to Personnel main menu. Select “Employees” page. Filter with employee code/name. Click on employee’s “Actions” button, and select “Vacations”. Open “Listing” tab. Click on “Delete” button next to the required vacation. Vacation is deleted successfully.

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Actions: Break Vacation

Personnel How-to  

Preconditions Employee’s vacation must exceed one day. Steps Go to Personnel main menu. Select “Employees” page. Filter with employee code/name. Click on employee’s “Actions” button, and select “Vacations”. Open “Listing” tab. Click on “Break” button next to required vacation. A dialog box will open. Set a start date. Set number of days. Click on “Save” […]

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Actions: Edit Employee’s Vacation Balance

Personnel How-to  

Steps Go to Personnel main menu. Select “Employees” page. Filter with employee code/name. Click on employee’s “Actions” button, and select “Vacations”. Open “Info” tab. Click on “Edit” button. Change new balance. Write note (if needed). Click on “Save” button. Vacation Balance is edited successfully.

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Actions: Add Vacation to Employee

Personnel How-to  

Steps Go to Personnel main menu. Select “Employees” page. Filter with employee code/name. Click on employee’s “Actions” button, and select “Vacations”. Click on “+ Vacation” top button. A dialog box will open. Select vacation type. Mark “Partial Vacation” checkbox (if needed). Select date. Write notes (if needed). Click on “Save” button. Vacation is added to […]

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