Gross Up

CAB Setup   April 11, 2018

“Gross Up” is a pay rule that makes an automatic calculation to revert both Taxes and Social Insurance (S.I) cost to be deducted from employer, instead of employee (reflected on its own pay code). NOW! Employer can easily sign contracts with Net Salaries, instead of Gross Salaries. (A) Taxes and S.I deducted from employee’s Gross Salary […]

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Overtime Policy

CAB > CAB Setup   September 14, 2017

From this page you can add and view the overtime policies to be applied on employees. Page Display Overtime policies are applied per shift type; so that it would be more specific and dynamic. You can customize your own overtime policy to suit your company’s bylaws. Not only you can set an overtime policy per […]

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Missed Punch Policy

CAB > CAB Setup  

From this page you can add and view the missed punch policies to be applied on employees. Page Display Buttons  To disable missed punch policies.  To enable missed punch policies. To Add Missed Punch Policy

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Tardiness Policy

CAB > CAB Setup  

From this page you can add and view the tardiness policies to be applied on employees. Tardiness policy is related to the predefined attendance schemes on the system; each scheme has different tardiness policy based on its rules. Page Display Buttons  To disable tardiness policy.  To enable tardiness policy. To Add Tardiness Policy

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Target Policy

CAB > CAB Setup  

From this page you can add and view the target policies to be applied on employees. Target policy is related to the predefined attendance schemes on the system; each scheme has different tardiness policy based on its rules. Page Display Buttons  To disable target policies.  To enable target policies. To Add Target Policy

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Absence Policy

CAB > CAB Setup   February 21, 2016

It is the policy applied for being absent without taking permission. Page Display Buttons  To disable policy.  To enable policy.  To edit policy. To Add Absence Policy

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CAB > CAB Setup  

From this page you set the company’s policies and procedures. Page Display Buttons  To edit policy action. To Add Policy To Add Policy Actions

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